Shop worker stung by scorpion in bananas

Oct 2 2009 by Joanne Butcher, Evening Chronicle

A SUPERMARKET worker was stung by a scorpion that had hidden in some bananas.

The produce section worker at Sainsbury’s on Team Valley, in Gateshead, was lifting a box of the fruit when the exotic predator scuttled out and stung him in the stomach.

Shocked co-workers quickly pounced on the creature before it could escape and the injured man, who is in his 40s, was taken to Gateshead’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

Luckily he was not seriously hurt and was discharged the same day after treatment for a skin irritation caused by the sting, said to be similar to a bee sting.

His partner, who asked not to be named, said: “I couldn’t believe it when they told me what had happened. We both work in produce at Sainsbury’s.

“He’s still got his sense of humour about it though, he’s been joking about it.”

The scorpion, which was nicknamed “Colin” by Accident and Emergency staff, was taken away by the RSPCA and a vet put it to sleep.

RSPCA animal collection officer Dave Dawson explained: “The scorpion had to be put down, as it is a non-indigenous species.” Scorpions are found across the southern hemisphere including parts of the USA, Africa and Asia.

Sainsbury’s said they were working to find out where the insect had come from.

“The RSPCA has confirmed that the scorpion is not poisonous and the sting is no worse than that of a wasp or bee,” a spokesperson said.

“The Sainsbury’s colleague has now been discharged from hospital and is in perfect health.

“We sell 700 million bananas every year and incidents such as this are rare. We are now working with the supplier to find out how the scorpion got through all the safety controls.”

A spokesperson for the North East Ambulance Service, said: “We were called out to Sainsbury’s supermarket in Team Valley.

“A male worker in his 40s had been stung on his stomach by a scorpion, which may have been hidden among boxes containing bananas.

“He was taken to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, along with the scorpion, but fortunately he suffered only a minor skin irritation.”